Hi There.

Hi. Hi there.

I hope you don’t think I’ve forgotten about you. In fact, I give you quite a bit of consideration. You’re even causing me a wee bit of anxiety.

I feel bad running off and not calling. I feel bad promising something and not delivering (i.e. a giveaway).


The last few stressful months had me re-evaluating why I abandoned you. I think it was feeling a bit ashamed of myself. I was using a promise of free things to try and get comments (gasp!) which feels a bit mean, like I didn’t value you for you, and just wanted to use you to boost my ego. This is not a good thing.

I didn’t want to do a giveaway to reward my (mostly silent) readers, but to force comments out of them.

So for that, I’m sorry.

I think I’ve outgrown you. We had a good year together, but I want a clean slate, a fresh start.

I want a blog mainly about the creative things I do, rather than mostly reflecting on the creative things other people do.

You’ll always have a special place in my heart. There’s a Service Station in there, pumping everyone full of Purple Custard.

But I’m moving on to the much more serious sounding:





Jonathan Weiner

  The Fencer

 Anchor Point

I really love Jonathan Weiner‘s paintings. They seem to tell mysterious stories about shady individuals in a slightly menacing way. They all seem to be waiting for something to go wrong.

Busy bee

I’m busy organising some giveaways but be entertained by this in the meantime:

4 Romantic Books to Disgust and Annoy your Lover on Cracked

Also Damn You Autocorrect! has been providing me many laughs.

Have a good Tuesday!


More specifically… a YARN bomb!

The peeps responsible for this work of unexpected beauty are the Twilight Taggers, a yarn bombing group working guerilla style to pretty up our city.

They’re doing an installation at Fed Square for International Yarn Bombing Day and the Lights in Winter festival in June that both YOU and ME can be a part of! How fun! I’m going to Riot Art this afternoon to get some wool to contribute.

You can help with the frame, the poles, the lanterns or the snowflakes here. They also need wool winders for all their free wool!

Here’s a picture of the chandelier:

This is going to be so cool. How awesome would it feel to point at a part of this massive structure and say “hey, I did that!” (and even if you can’t find your bit you can point at someone else’s and say that was yours. They’ll never know the difference!).

So off you trot. Go grab those knitting needles!

I love Gary Larson. Every year for a few years we got mum a The Far Side diary and I’d love going through the months and seeing animals acting a bit odd.